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*Classified by AMA Rulebook*


Open A
25+ A/B

Vet A: 30+
Senior A: 40+

Masters A: 50+


Open B

Vet B: 30+

Senior B: 40+
Masters B: 50+

*Sportsmans 1 (non-point standing)
*14in. or bigger front wheel required 


Super Mini: 14-15

Intermediate Mini: 12-13

85cc: 12-15 

Big Wheel: 12-15

Girls: 7-15 

85: 7-11 

65: 10-11

65: 7-9



Open C: Unlimited
25+ C
Open C: 18-25
Vet C: 30+

Senior C: 40+
Masters C: 50+

Schoolboy C: 12-18

Adult Trailriders: 18+



Golden Masters: 60+

*Sportsmans 2 (non-point standing)

*14in. or bigger front wheel required


Super PeeWee: 8-9

Senior PeeWee: 6-7

PeeWee: 4-5

CAROLINA XC provides their riders with a variety of classes that they can compete in. There are various skill level classes, i.e., “A” Expert, “B” Intermediate, and “C” Novice.  It is important when competing in a skill level class that a rider selects the proper class in accordance with their official AMA classification. 

Riders can check their official AMA classification by visiting the online AMA Race Center.  The AMA Race Center lists all AMA race results for every rider since 2006.  Each AMA rider in turn has their own Rider Profile listing their results and designating their official rider classification.  To view a rider’s profile, go to, select “Rider” in the dropbox, and enter either the rider name or AMA number.  The Rider Profile will list all AMA results for that rider, their total points accumulated, RPV (Rider Performance Value), and most importantly, their classification.

A rider’s classification is determined through the National Advancement System as outlined in the AMA Rulebook (Section 1.1.E), as well as the classification in which the rider has participated previously, whether it be in AMA competition or Non-AMA competition.

All riders must compete at the classification as listed on their Profile page.  There are no exceptions to this requirement.  If a rider feels they are “non-competitive” in the class in which they are classified, or are incorrectly classified, they may appeal to the AMA for re-classification. The classification appeal process and form can be found on the AMA Website.  Under no circumstances may a rider move back in class without AMA approval.

Please be advised that the AMA, AMA organizers, and your fellow riders are monitoring your results and classification. If you are riding out of class you may be removed from those results, lose series points, lose any qualifying status up to that point, and be required to compete in the correct class.

For questions on eligibility, how to appeal your classification, or to add your photo (headshots only) to your profile page, contact the AMA at 614-856-1900 or   If emailing a photo to add to a profile, include your full name and AMA number to assure proper placement.

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